Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Yu.V.
Theory of inhomogeneous medium wave motion.
Kirov, International Centre of Scientific
and Research Projects,
2017, 580 pp. (in Russian)
The monograph is devoted to the presentation
of mathematical methods for studying the
fundamental problems of wave dynamics of
natural stratified media (ocean, atmosphere).
The monograph studies the basic mathematical
models describing the processes of excitation
and propagation of internal and surface
gravitational waves in vertical stratified
horizontally and nonstationary media;
outlines asymptotic methods that are a
generalization of the space-time ray method
(the method of geometric optics); methods
for mathematical modeling of the dynamics of
natural stratified media are proposed,
related to the theoretical study of excitation
processes, the propagation of internal and
surface gravitational waves in these media,
taking into account their heterogeneity and
nonstationarity; the results of numerical
modeling of the dynamics of internal
gravitational waves are presented; asymptotic
methods of mathematical modeling of features
of evolution of internal and surface
gravitational waves are developed; algorithms
for the interpretation of full-scale
observation of internal gravitational waves
are presented on the basis of the proposed
mathematical models. A significant place in
the monograph is given to comparison of the
obtained analytical results with the data of
field measurements of hydrophysical fields
in the ocean. The monograph is intended for
specialists in the field of hydrophysics,
applied mathematics, mathematical modeling,
hydrodynamics, oceanology.