V.V.Bulatov, Yu.V.Vladimirov
Non-harmonic wave packets dynamics in
stratified mediums.
Moscow: Nauka, 2010, 470 pp (in Russian)
The monograph is devoted to the research of the
processes of disturbance and propagation of
the non-harmonic internal gravity waves within
the vertically stratified horizontally
non-uniform and non-stationary mediums, to
development of the asymptotic methods being by
the generalization of the space-time
ray-tracing method
(the method of the geometrical optics),
to research of the critical phenomena at
generation and propagations of the internal
gravity waves, and also to development of
non-spectral methods of the hydro physical
fields measurements in the ocean.
The monograph is intended for the specialists
in the field of the mathematical modeling,
hydrodynamics, ocean dynamics.
Chapter 1. Generation and dynamics of the
non-harmonic wave internal gravity wave
packets in stratified mediums
1.1 Internal gravity waves in the stratified
mediums: basic equations and integral forms
of solutions.
1.2 Non-harmonic internal gravity wave
packets far from the disturbing sources.
1.3 Non-harmonic internal gravity wave
packets near to the disturbing sources.
1.4 Non-harmonic internal gravity wave
packets in the vicinity of the source
movement trajectories.
1.5 Modified Green's function of internal
gravity waves in a layer of stratified
medium with constant shear flow
1.6 Non-harmonic internal gravity wave
packets at the arbitrary non-stationary
source movement and generation critical
1.7 Non-harmonic internal gravity wave
packets generated by stationary sources
1.8 Internal gravity waves in the
stratified mediums with shear flow
1.9 Dynamics of internal gravity waves in
the exponentially stratified mediums.
Chapter 2. Numerical calculations of
non-harmonic internal gravity wave packets
generation and dynamics from the non-local
sources of disturbances
2.1 Numerical methods of fundamental
vertical spectral problem solution:
eigenfunctions and eigenfunctions
2.2 3D - calculations of non-harmonic
internal gravity wave packets from the
non-local sources of disturbances
2.3 Non-local boundary conditions for
mathematic modeling of stratified medium
wave dynamics
2.4 Boundary and initial conditions for
numerical calculations of the internal
gravity waves far from the disturbing
Chapter 3. Non-harmonic wave internal
gravity wave packets s in the
heterogeneous and non-stationary
stratified mediums.
3.1 Basic concepts of the geometric
optics (WKB) method
3.2 Non-harmonic internal gravity wave
packets in the stratified medium layer
with the varying bottom.
3.3 Non-harmonic internal gravity wave
packets in the heterogeneous stratified
3.4 Non-harmonic internal gravity wave
packets in the non-stationary stratified
3.5 The uniform asymptotic form of the
internal gravity waves field generated
by a source moving above the smoothly
varying bottom
Chapter 4. Spectral and non-spectral
methods of analysis of the of the
non-harmonic internal gravity waves
packets measurements in ocean.
4.1 Main ideas and methods of the
spectral and non-spectral internal
gravity waves analysis measurements
4.2 Non-spectral methods of the
analysis of the hydro physical
measurements in ocean.
4.3 Non-spectral methods of the
analysis of the non-harmonic internal
gravity waves packets measurements
in ocean.
Appendix. Evaluation of the linear
theory satisfiability limits in
propagation of the internal
gravity waves